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Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi

Two New Protocols in Malaysia by ETU

Erzurum Technical University adds new R & D and cooperation protocols abroad and in Turkey.

Erzurum Technical University Rector Prof. Dr. Bulent ÇAKMAK paid a visit to the Putra Malaysia University which is ranking of 159 in the World and first in Malaysia. Firstly, Prof. Dr. Bulent ÇAKMAK met with Dean of the Faculty of Science Prof. Dr. Abdul RAHMAN and then he exchanged views on infrastructure projects that can be shared with ETU. Then Putra Malaysia University Rector Prof. Dr. Aini IDERİS hosted our rector in his office. Prof. Dr. Mehmet ERTUĞRUL, a guest Professor from UPM Atatürk University, participated to the meeting about scientific activities between Turkey and Malaysia. At the meeting, Prof. Dr. IDERİS said that they would be open to cooperation with ETU. Then the two rectors agreed on a cooperation about Exchange of students and academics including Mevlana and Erasmus+ programme.

Bulent ÇAKMAK Erzurum Technical University Rector spoke about the projects that can be carried out using a common infrastructure with Universiti Teknologi Malaysia's which is a leading technical university in Malaysia. After External Relations Coordinator Assoc. Dr. Norhayati ABDULLAH presented UTM and its facilities, Prof. Dr. ÇAKMAK gave information about ETU and YUTAM.  Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology Dean Prof. Dr. Ali SELAMAT and YUTAM Director Assoc. Dr. Serkan ÖRTÜCÜ joined to the meeting besides the heads of the relevant units from UTM.

At the end of the day, participating in the invitation issued by the Consulate of Turkey Prof. Dr. Bulent ÇAKMAK emphasized that these agreements should not remain on paper to achieve the objectives in the interview with Consulate Undersecretary M. Merten TOKMAN. Putra Malaysia University Rector Prof. Dr. IDERIS, ETU and Higher Education Board Member Prof. Dr. Muammar YAYLALI and Prof. Dr. Mehmet ERTUĞRUL attended to the invitation besides many academics.


ETÜ Asistan Snow